Is Mediation a Good Option to Resolve a Dispute with Your Employer?
Oct 20, 2023 | Written by: Share
|Workplace disputes are not uncommon, and when they arise, it's important to consider the best way to resolve them. Mediation is one method that often comes to mind. If you find yourself in a conflict...
What is the Role of a Guardian ad Litem in a Divorce?
Oct 4, 2023 | Written by: Share
|We (family law attorneys) often discuss the role of a guardian ad litem (hereinafter referred to as GAL), as an appointee for a child(ren) in a custody dispute when the court makes a finding that the...
Unmasking the Hidden Agenda: How to Recognize When a Severance Offer is Really a Cover-Up
Sep 15, 2023 | Written by: Share
|A severance package, or severance agreement, is a compensation and benefits offer that an employer provides to an employee who is leaving the company due to reasons such as layoffs, downsizing or...
Pensions & Divorce
Sep 13, 2023 | Written by: Share
|Pursuant to a divorce, and as part of equitable distribution in New Jersey, retirement accounts, including pensions, are divisible. There is a unique mechanism called a Qualified Domestic Relations...
“But I Can’t Work on Sundays. . .” The U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Title VII’s “Undue Hardship” Standard for Accommodating an Employee’s Religious Beliefs
Sep 12, 2023 | Written by: Share
|Our nation’s highest court recently decided an important case addressing an employer’s obligation to accommodate an employee’s religious practices under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of...
Quiet Quitting in New Jersey: Exploring the Legal Implications and Downfalls
Aug 31, 2023 | Written by: Share
|A relatively new concept known as "quiet quitting" has gained recent attention due to its potential implications for both employees and employers. Quiet quitting refers to a situation where an...
Focus On Your Needs Rather Than Your Wants In Divorce (and in Life)
Aug 30, 2023 | Written by: Share
|We live in a society that focuses on material goods with “success” defined by how much money we make, the type of house we live in, the car we drive, etc. But does accumulation of wealth and...
NJ Supreme Court Issues Important Decision on Cohabitation
Aug 18, 2023 | Written by: Share
|On August 8, 2023, the New Jersey Supreme Court decided the case of Cardali v. Cardali (A-25-22) (087340). The Court considered what a party seeking to suspend or terminate alimony must present in...
Can a City’s Historic Preservation Officer Decide If a Structure is Historic?
Aug 9, 2023 | Written by: Share
|In cities and towns with older buildings, issues often arise as to whether existing structures are truly historic in nature and are subject to restrictions precluding demolition or limiting proposed...
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Aug 9, 2023 | Written by: Share
|On December 29, 2022, President Biden signed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) into law. The PWFA took effect on June 27, 2023, and requires “covered” employers to provide reasonable...