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Archive: 2024

What Happens If My Spouse Dies While Our Divorce Is Pending?

Feb 7, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

When a spouse dies during a divorce (before the divorce judgment is entered), the divorce proceeding ends and with that also ends the statutory right to equitable distribution.  The matter is then...

New Jersey Legislature Considers Bill Mandating Wage Transparency

Jan 31, 2024 | Written by: Sharon M. Flynn, Esq. |

Within the workplace landscape, discrimination can manifest in various subtle ways, often concealed within a company's financial records. Pay disparities rooted in factors such as gender or race...

What Happens If You Violate a No-Contact Provision in a Restraining Order?

Jan 10, 2024 | Written by: Diana N. Fredericks, Esq. |

Did you know that if you are a defendant in a restraining order (temporary or permanent), you may not have any contact with the victim/plaintiff?  Did you know that violations of restraining orders...